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Alchemical Astrology Reading + Personalized Cacao Ceremony with Cynthia Honores

Receive your beautiful Astrology Reading in synergistic connection with the healing power of Ceremonial Grade Cacao and The Sacred Art Of Divination.


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Alchemy is the ancient, magical science of uniting the above & below (Cosmos & Earth) in order to transmute and transform our lives and our world. 


Astrology and Alchemy are deeply interlinked, and in this reading, you will come away having unlocked new secrets from your birth chart, that will point precisely to how you are meant to transform (and how you can be an agent of transformation for our world) in this sacred lifetime. 


​Astrology never ceases to amaze me with its power to reveal the larger collective energies, give us direction and guidance, point us toward our soul contracts with others, and open up our understanding to the larger picture of what is going on, both personally and collectively. I am honored and grateful to support your journey back to your Self!

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